For example, an asset may have only a few orders within the current price and many orders at a much higher or lower price. While the asset will have an increased number of orders and thus high liquidity, it will not be considered to have market depth since a large enough order can easily swing the asset’s price. Should you have an order to sell 10,000 MEOW shares at the market, you would sell all the available bids down to $13.35, where there is a standing order to buy 43,500 shares. How to Use DOM Data You can pay attention to whether a player bets or folds in this or that circumstance. You may still misinterpret why the player is betting or folding, but at least you have more information than you would if you only paid attention to your own cards. The heatmap displays true and non-aggregated market depth data with a precision of up to the pixel resolution of your monitor. On the contrary, a sell wall rises as the price increases, which means supply increases with rising prices. As you can see in the above chart, the buy wall rises as price decreases. in crypto today? The chart enables traders to gauge the market sentiment by visually representing the limit buy and sell orders. Conversely, the Minus Button (-) decreases the Mid Market Price by a specific increment. Traders can explore different price levels and analyze how the market depth chart responds to lower prices. These plus and minus buttons provide traders with a dynamic way to interact with the market depth data and adjust the reference price as per their trading strategies and preferences. The market depth chart allows you to peel back the layers of a cryptocurrency’s trading activity, revealing a list of buy and sell orders waiting to make their impact. It’s like having an x-ray vision of the market, showing you the supply and demand dynamics at different price levels. How Traders use DOM data Note that each market/currency pair has a separate order book and a market depth chart. Therefore, learning about market depth and other stock analysis techniques is vital for retail traders looking to gear up their skills to the next level. In this article, we look at what market depth is, how it works, and how to read and use market depth data—regardless of your trading or investing strategy. Each one simply gives you a different lens to observe the movement of markets. You can start to identify trends and get a better understanding of how assets behave under certain market conditions. A trader could have observed the DOM charts on this day to understand how buyers flocked to buy Apple shares following the announcement. Since it is a blue-chip company, the possibility of manipulation through false trades would also be less likely. A trader could have placed a profitable trade by observing the patterns in DOM charts and by referring to the latest events that were taking place at the time. It shows how much of the currency is being bought and sold at different prices. This means that the total size of your bid is $19,000 for a trade that comes in at $9,500 or less. One should, however, not simply rely on DOM data and place trades based his conclusions only on the indicator’s figures. Besides his extensive derivative trading expertise, Adam is an expert in economics and behavioral finance. Once you have your preferred currency, you can move right into trading on platforms like Binance, Kraken, and Coinbase Pro. Information posted on IBKR Campus that is provided by third-parties does NOT constitute a recommendation that you should contract for the services of that third party. The body of the candle shows the difference between the opening and closing price of that time period. This can make it tricky to know if the orders in the depth are “real”. This practice of placing fake orders is spoofing and is illegal. Here is a link from the CFTC that highlights a case where a firm was found guilty of spoofing. These regulations have helped, but there still is a bit of grey area how to read market depth chart around how to read level 2 market data orders. In this post, we’ll discuss what level 2 trading is, and how to understand a stock depth chart to aid in your trading. The risk of loss in online trading of stocks, options, futures, forex, foreign equities, and fixed income can be substantial. It displays a visual measure of the limit buy and limit sell orders in an order book. UltraAlgo is a leading algorithmic trading software for Stocks, ETFs, Options, and Forex, built by professional traders and powered by 15 technical indicators. It’s like having an x-ray vision of the market, showing you the supply and demand dynamics at different price levels. An investor could potentially lose the whole or more than the initial investment and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. Essentially, this means that if solar energy stocks are surging in price, you would also expect solar panel manufacturers to be surging in price. In this article, we will go over the key concepts you need to begin your journey into technical analysis. The final piece of the puzzle is less important but it is actually what is ON the bid and ask side of the DOM. Old orders that have been there all day are stale, but new orders become magnets. Investors were drawn to the stock after the announcement as trading volumes surged. The actual trading volume was higher on the day when the price surged compared to the trading volumes during the last few trading sessions. However, data displayed in the DOM and on the chart may vary slightly as various data sources are used. Monitoring Supply and Demand via the Depth Chart If the DOM backs this up through higher buy volumes, the trader can